Levels of Consciousness Awareness

Levels of Consciousness Awareness

I recently listened to a free masterclass given by Vishen Lakhiani from Mindvalley. He spoke about how to bend reality and about the four levels of human consciousness to get us from where we are to where we want to be.

Until we somehow become ‘aware’ and ‘conscious’ we are unconscious, and we live, breathe, do, act, speak, and think from this unconscious state that we are day in and day out. We are basically on auto pilot and this auto pilot comes from our past conditioning. We don’t even know it until we become aware and conscious that we’ve indeed been living on auto pilot.

We only seem to become aware and conscious when we go through a traumatic experience or when we hear teachings about what it is to be unconscious, conscious, aware and awake. Otherwise, we are oblivious to the auto pilot living.

He speaks of something called the merging technique. The merging technique is about merging consciousness with creating, on purpose, what you do want in your life. He says this will accelerate your soul.

Vishen also talks about the Kriya experience, which is when he would do meditation, he would feel this incredible energy going through his body that led to impulses, ideas visions, and thought whispers that his Higher Self gave to him and was eventually what led to him creating Mindvalley.

Vishen had a time period of struggles which he calls “the beautiful destruction” and it’s what I call a mental breakdown or a cracking open of our very core. It’s a temporary challenging, dark situation that causes us a lot of pain while going through it. I completely agree with him and understand when he says it’s a time when the Universe is clearing something out of our lives that no longer serves us.

It’s something, or multiple things, that just are not working for us anymore and in fact are dragging us down a dark hole. This cutting off, this cracking open of our core, this beautiful destruction has to happen to not only get us out of a bad situation, but to bring us to our higher selves, our next growth level, and to propel us forward in life.

I went through this with my divorce. I needed this toxic, verbally and emotionally hurtful thing cut off because it was keeping me in depression, anxiety, walking on eggshells and living in a constant state of fight/flight/freeze, and slowly driving me insane. The contemptuous, nasty looks I received, the critical and ridiculing remarks I received, the never being able to do anything right, it has to be his way or there was hell to pay, was making me very unhappy, driving me insane, keeping me underfoot, and killing my soul and spirit. It was a constant mind-fuck for me to live in.

It sure doesn’t feel so positive or good or joyful when we are going through the cutting away though. It in fact it feels more like it's trying to kill us and harm us; not that it's a benefit. It wasn’t until years later and after much searching, researching, soul searching, and asking questions about what I had went through did I find out that it was the Universe cutting off something that was choking the life right out of me. I wanted to understand why I went through what I went through, why I reacted the way I did and what was the meaning of it all. Plus, I wanted to understand why I stayed trapped in that toxic relationship and environement in the first place. Those kinds of answers don't come overnight and not without  some work on my end.

What’s that saying about being more comfortable with devil you know verses the devil you don’t know; that’s how I felt. Even though I was with a person who was killing me emotionally, verbally, psychically, spiritually and mentally, I didn’t feel I could escape or leave. I wouldn’t have known how to either. Plus, my self-esteem was nonexistent, and I was mentally and emotionally very weakened. I was alone, too. I had no friends, no therapist, or anyone to help me and make me see that how I was being treated or how I was living wasn’t okay. I didn’t have that kind of help. Religous dogma and my past conditioning didn't help either.

The dogma I always received was to stay put in a marriage whether you're happy or not and whether you're being constantly bullied or verbally and emotionally attacked or not. Dogma also taught me that since I was the female, I had to be the 'nice girl' which meant putting up with any kind of abusive behavior, have no boundaries and not stick up for myself. Nope. I was taught how to be a doormat for men. I was taught that me as a person, my wants, my thoughts, my feelings, my emotions, my goals, did not matter. This has played out in all of my relationships over the years...until now. Now I see the patterns and trying to understand them so that I do not do them going forward.

I digress. The assignment is to think about where you are right now and where you want to be in the near future.

Look at these areas of your life to do this exercise:

Bliss, immunity to overwhelm, relationships (creating win-win situations), inspiration on demand, abundance (money, friends, travel, etc.), flow and ease, and bending reality (tapping into the Universe for goals, visions, and ideas to make things go faster). Be completely honest with yourself about where you are starting from.

Know why you want to change this area. There’s also a thing called 7 Levels Deep I learned from Dean Graziosi-who works with Tony Robbins- and he says to go seven levels deep on your why.

Dean’s Example went something like this: I want time and money freedom.

Why? Because I want to control my own schedule.

Why? Because I want to be able to do what I want and go where I want when I want to without having to ask for permission.

Why?  Because I want to be there for my kids and for every sport and school event and not have somebody tell me I can’t take time off to go support my kids.

Why? I don’t want my kids to suffer being poor like I had to. Besides, I had several fathers and other family members come and go out of my life that I didn’t have that stability of someone being there.

Why? ?

Why? ?

Why? I don’t ever want to be broke again.

I don’t remember the whole thing, but this gives you and I a good idea about going seven levels deep on our why’s as to what we want and why we want it.

Now on to the four levels of consciousness Vishen talks about in his class.

Level 4: The world you can change-Becoming extraordinary.

Level 3: The world inside you-Recoding yourself.

Level 2: The world you choose-the Awakening.

Level 1: The world around you-Living in the culture scape.

With each level, we react in different ways which shape our world in different ways.

Here’s the breakdown of each level:

Level 1- the victim stage. This is where you have forgotten the abilities inside of you, living and being shaped by the culture, past conditioning, perhaps blaming everyone such as politicians, the economy, your boss, a family member, etc. for things going on in your life. We are trapped in what Bob Proctor calls the old paradigm, meaning we are living as however we were conditioned from a baby. This includes generational patterns, beliefs and ideas from others, and peer pressure. What’s incredibly important here in this stage is that the concept of reshaping your reality is completely alien to you.


Level 2- the awakening. This is where you choose to have a choice. You can set goals, explore the power of intention, study personal growth and begin shifting your world. You start creating vision boards and visualizing the future you want, setting intentions and goals.


Level 3- recoding yourself. You are aware now that thoughts create reality and understand that there’s a world inside of you. You may meditate more and explore states of consciousness. You are purposely now shaping and recalibrating your world. You feel as if there’s an invisible hand guiding you through life. This is usually when a ‘beautiful destruction’ can take place and turn your world upside down for a time because it's taking you to a higher growth level.


Level 4-becoming extraordinary. Your goals seem to be coming from a Higher Power and working through you and becoming manifest in the world. You are in your own being-ness and being led by inspiration and having intention. You are more expressed and fulfilled. This level feels like magic. You are tapping into your intuition all the time and not ignoring it.

That gives you a lot to think about and a few exercises to do that will empower you and get your thought juices flowing.

I hope this will help you along in your journey! I am always looking for new tools that will help you and help me while we are on this incredible life journey that we only get to do once.

Be strong!

